A mobile devotion app to help us remain in him, that we might produce fruit.

"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."

Teaching Time

RE:MAIN aims to bring lots of content together in one place. The idea; a walled, un-walled garden of content, basically RE:MAIN will aim to filter out un-biblical and false teaching while remaining a place where all who are in Christ will be available to find content to suit and challenge them. "The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”" - as long as its in the body, you should find it on RE:MAIN.

Devotional Building Blocks

RE:MAIN uses "Devotional Building Blocks" to construct and save devotional blueprints. For example a "block" of worship, a talk "block", then a "block" of prayer, finishing with another worship "block" and save this as your "Weekend" blueprint. Come Saturday just pick your talk and enjoy a seamless devotional time, focusing on the Father. Share blueprints with friends: your structure but the content they love.

Worship your way

RE:MAIN aims to support all major music streaming services, allowing you to point worship "blocks" at favorite playlists and let your worship time begin.

Plug into the the RE:FRESH family

RE:FRESH aims to be a family of apps with RE:MAIN as the most central. Prayer "blocks" can pull/push prayer requests from RE:PETITION(assuming you also use it), and as the family grows so to will the integration, an example devotional notes taken during a RE:MAIN devotion can be saved to RE:SOURCE, our upcoming scripture app, our plans for interconnecting apps are huge!